Puddle Duck Racer Sailboat Class - Newsletter 13

Event News
Championship Bid Events
If you are interested in trying to capture the rights to host the next world championship race, the window for submitting bids is just about to open. For more infomation see bid event information on the championship page.

Upcoming 2012 World Championship
This month John Bridges continued doing an amazing effort of bringing in more new members to our club to join in our fun. John and Richard Frye put on a pdracer building demonstration at home depot during a home fair they were having in the parking lot. They built a duck and talked to the fair visitors about building their own ducks and getting involved in our club. Richard's dog Monkey demonstrated how to be safe by wearing his life jacket and also answered various questions about how to build our boats with commonly available materials. He was quoted as saying: "We build our boats quick, cheap and RUFF".
We have a tradition of exchanging homemade trophies for our events, and John Bridges & Ken Sherwood posted a note on their blog along with some example pictures of trophies for the upcoming championship race.
Ken Sherwood came up with a graphic to use for the 2012 championship race, he has it listed on their blog and also sent me a higher resolution copy to share here so others can make their own shirts and stuff. I added the page duck logos and have more info of how you can make your own shirts or paint it on your hull.
blog entry about trophies
Signup for World Championship Race
PDRacer World Championship Page

Sailing In Pennsylvania
John Bridges, Richard Frye and others gathered to do some sailing in Pennsylvania. Richard sent in a great article about it: Ducks Flock Together At Pennsylvania

Alberni PDRacer Hatch
They have come a long way since January when the first nail went into their first duck. Early this month they built 5 new pdracers bringing their local fleet up to nine Puddle Ducks in Port Alberni. Couple months ago David Whitworth mentioned in his TV news interview that he was studying the hatch process to make it more effecient, he wasn't kidding !! The picture to the right was taken on the fourth day of their first hatch. Not only were the hulls 3D, but they were also painted & fully rigged with sails !!

Second Alberni Hatch in May
They hosted a second at Cadet Hall in the end of May and hatched 8 more bringing their local fleet up to 17 ducks they have helped produce. They did a building demonstration live in the parking lot of one of their sponsors Boston Pizza, and will be exhibiting ducks in the July 1st parade.
In addition to their 17, there are an additional 7 independently build ducks that are planning to attend, but not sure how many out of town visitors are coming so the event. Truly a community effort, lots of people are involved organzing and putting effort into their local fleet which is growing quickly and shows what amazing things that happen when duckers join together in persuit of a common goal.
Lots of new photos of the hatch events have been added to their website, see the link below. David has a newsletter you can subscribe to for direct updates on all their activities.
David Whitworth #623, Alberni PDRacer Club Organizer
Alberni PDRacer Club Website
- Photos
- Blog
Alberni Newsletter

The Cape Cod Crew
Nick Nobili and his friends hatched 7 pdracers this month, and one has already taken her first sail. They are organizing their first event for early June called the Cape Cod Challenge. For more info about the event and to get involved, contact Nick:
Nick Nobili #666 "D Stupid Boat"
New Articles:
Ducks Flocking Together In Pennsylvania
By: Richard Frye, Capt. AH
Pennsylvania, USA
Event Date: 2012-05-15
Organizer: John Bridges
Duckers Attended: 4
Demo at Home Depot
By: Richard Frye, Capt. AH
Pennsylvania, USA
Event Date: 2012-05-06
Organizer: John Bridges
Duckers Attended: 2
My Wheelbarrow PDR --- Another Way to Transport a Duck
By: Wes Lewis
Washington, USA
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