BucketEars - Frame Bulkheads

So I am at the point that I have the sides cut and all the framing logs and chine logs on.
This is when I mark and measure for the bulkheads.
The framing log that goes along the bottom of the bulkhead needs to be cut at an angle, so I transfer the angle with this bevel guide tool.

I first mark the stick to be cut.
Then I adjust the table saw to get the right angle.
If you don't cut the angle properly, don't worry, you can always sand it down when installed or fill the gap with glue.
A rasp file works good at re-shaping the stick too.
See later page called "fill the cracks"

If you don't have a table saw, you can cut the bevels with a hand circular saw.
Just hang part of the board out in the air, and start cutting into the end.
When you have enough of a beveled piece, break it off and trim the end.
OR - you can just attach a rectangular framing log to the bulkhead, and then use a (rasp, angle grinder, belt sander etc) to knock the framing log down to an acceptable angle.

The point of the air boxes is for emergency flotation.
It is handy to access inside them to store gear and stuff in there, also to clean out any moisture that might find it's way inside.
The white round things in the picture are called "deck plates" or "inspection ports" or something similar.
They are basically a frame, and a screw off plate so you can have a water resistant access to inside.
Many people have used the lids and rims from various tupperware containers, and later on I use the rim and lid from buckets.
All of those work, but most are not UV resistant and not as durable.
So, after years of using the tupperware stuff, I get regular marine deck plates from ebay for about $10 each and use those.

All of my parts are now finished, and the boat is ready to go 3D.
Notice that the stern and bow transom only have framing logs on the bottom and top.
The sides will be attached to the framing logs that are already on the sides.

If you look in the picture above, you will see the forward bulkhead has some blocks mounted on it. To the right is a picture taken later that shows those block better and how they work to hold up the mast.
This is only the most basic way to hold up a mast, there are plenty of other ways to do it also.