Puddle Duck Race 6 - Page 1
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

The weather report had some light winds, so on Friday I had a spare hour and put together a secret weapon.
I have a jib that Ken had made years ago, and set it up with a small bow sprit.
The jib is 30 sqft, and the main is 59, so that gives me about 90 sqft.
I tried it out before the race, and decided not to use it.
It kept getting caught on my sprit boom, and the winds picked up so I didn't need the extra sail area.

We had a couple of new people come, on the right is Ray Brogdon, he brought a 14' bayliner power boat.
On the left is Wayne, he brought his 14' Omega sailboat with his 4hp outboard to use it as the committee & rescue boat.
Neat little boat, he is talking about adding a sail to it for fun.
I am doing the same with a power boat hull that I have, will be interesting to see how it works.

On the far left is Ken.
To his right is Bruce Campbell, he saw the article in the newspaper about the pdracers, and lives in Spring.
Next to the right is Pat BeMent, he is building hull #12 and hopefully will be done by next month's race.
And last to the right is David Sargent.
Both Ken and David brought duck calls and were blowing them at various times.
Great idea, and adds a lot of color to the race.
Tried calling in some of the local ducks but they didn't seem to care.

Only 3 of us showed up, Ken, David, and Shorty.
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