2006 World PDRacer Sailboat Championship Race - Families
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"
We had the highest attendance of wives / girlfriends and kids this year.
Jason Nabors brought motor home with his wife and daughter
Wayne Yeargain brought his wife and a friend of hers.
Gerard had 3 women with him plus a kid or two, I lost track.
(anyone have pics?)

Scott Widmier brought his daughter and son.

I didn't catch this guys name, he was in the Bolger Bobcat, his daughter had the biggest smile as they sailed around.

Can't remember their names.
Sandra Leinweber is standing in the background.

And finally this pretty woman walked by, her daughters wanted to see all the sailboats.
I asked her if she could pose next to the PD, that is Phil Keck holding the sail to prevent it from swinging around whacking her on the head.
I wrote down the website for her, she said her husband might be interested in building a boat - so we might get to see them next year.
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