2006 World PDRacer Sailboat Championship Race - Compet For Loaner Boats
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"
John Wright is building 2 matched PDRacers for use by out-of-town visitors who don't bring their own boats. If you would like to thank him, this is what he and his #42 looks like when they are right side up. Each boat is supplied with a set of spars, and the intent is for you to bring your own sails & rigging to setup on the boat.
Elimination Races
There will be a 2 elimination rounds of match races. The standard branching elimination type rounds, where everyone is paired up to run a match race. The winner of the race will move on to compete against the other winners until there is only one winner left. Then a second round of races will run to compete for the second boat. This way everyone will have 2 chances at being in a loaner boat.
NOTE - there is an obvious problem with the above elimination scheme, if too many people sign up for the boats, we might not have enough time to run the elimination rounds. If this is the case, we may switch to a single elimination, so that the last 2 racers in the first bracket get to use the loaner boats. If this is the case, then we will draw straws to see your starting position in the bracket. The other possibility is that someone will bring an additional boat for general use, and in this case we shall either have 3 brackets, or take the top three of the first bracket.
Practice & Match Race Course
Each match race will be about 1 hour long. After the sails and rigging have been removed from the last race, you will have 20 minutes to setup the boat with your sail(s) & rigging and that will be your time to practice with the boat. Then the match race will begin, which we expect will take about 20 minutes to run. The course & starting sequence will be the same used in the final world championship race, only the match races will only be 2 laps instead of 3.
Sails Provided
If you don't bring your own sail, you may use one of the stock sails provided with the boats. Each boat will have an Abrahams lateen, and a Bolger 59 leg-o-mutton sail.
Modifying The Loaner Boats
The spray rail and gunnels are extra large in size and intended to be areas that can be thru-drilled with 1/4" holes, so you can bring your own equipment to bolt on. Some of that equipment might be a pad with your own array of blocks, hiking wings etc. The transom will also have a large chine log, and the rudder is a Michalak one sided stock so you can bring your own rudder blade if you want, and the thickness won't be a problem.
Additional Loaner Boats
If you would like to bring an additional boat to be loaned out, you are more than welcome to. It doesn't have to match John Wright's official loaner boats, and you may make it available for general use, or for specific racer(s) as you wish. If for general use, send in it's info so I can post it here.
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