2006 World PDRacer Sailboat Championship Race - Tim Cowden Crazy Boats
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

Tim Cowden, what are you up to this time !!!
I immediately recognized "Binder Clip", that is the kayak / canoe hull with the white interior, but the outrigger and amas are all new.

When fully assembled, Tim had created a pedal drive boat.
The seat is a chair he found on the side of the road,

Using bucket lids for access plates is an old trick, here is Tim's new twist on it.
He stacked up layers of plywood underneath where the port was to be, and then cut the right size hole to fit threads from a container.
The screw off lid is the plug he cut from that area, and notice the finger holes.

No welding required, he just cut part of a bicycle and flipped it upside down.

The propeller is a wooden home made one, he created it by cutting 8 propeller shaped pieces from plywood, stacked and glued them on top of each other but ofsetting the pieces to make the angle to the blade, then sanded the edges smooth.
He said it hardly took him any time at all.

The magic to make the pedals work is the ability to turn the cranking effort 90 degrees.
He did that with a standard drill attachment, this unit is meant to be used with a drill to get into tight spots.
You can pick one up at any hardware store.
He just bolted on a sprocket and it works.
The angle mechanism also has a 2:1 gear exchange, that plus the difference in the sprockets gives Tim a 4:1 total.

You are cool Tim !
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