2006 World PDRacer Sailboat Championship Race - Awards
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

It is one large duck with several small ducks on board.

Very practical trophy, it is a brand new mushroom anchor.

The little boats seperate from their bases so they can be sailed around in the bath tub.

Made from leftover plywood, the boats in the bag float around making it the first trophy with movement I have ever seen. Sort of a poor man's / redneck snow globe !

The trophy is Ken Abrahams recycled original world championship trophy, it is a brick with a cloth sail featuring the original logo and soft duck.

Dave Gray from Polysail.com donated a gift certificate for one free polytarp sail. Suddenly several other sailors said, if they had known about it, they would still be out there trying to get last place.

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