Preparing To Sail
By Helen Opie #904 "Molly Kool" (1es 1eo 1ea 31ar)
PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Stepping mast; note chocks glued to mast. Long bit sticking up is a filler stick I forgot to cut off. It helps align mast so halyard pulley faces the right way when it is facing forward. Unplanned benefit.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Unfurling sail and grabbing loop to clip halyard to.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Clip to fasten yard arm to pipe scrap to hold it against mast. I need to change tis so sail can be hauled higher for more headroom under boom with new set of sail. Perhaps use a ring of beads to reduce space taken by rigid pipe ring. Also need to fasten sail at peak to be neater and avoid wrinkle.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Hoisting sail.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Sail up but halyard not fastened. Next time it will be colder and I shall do all this from inside the boat, with dry feet.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Halyard threaded through inchworm and reaching for cleat to fasten it.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Snugging downhaul to mast.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Leading downhaul through inchworm to its cleat.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Cleating downhaul. Need a longer line for downhaul.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Untying leeboard.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Sail hoisted; a few more tasks to do.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Stowing one oar, keeping the other handy in cockpit.

PDR MK 9 October 2015 - Easing oar far enough forward to go down into hatch.