Molly Kool Leak Test
By Helen Opie #904 "Molly Kool" (1es 1eo 1ea 31ar)Here are photos from Sunday's leak test, after plugging open plywood edge with glue & flour; sawdust proved too coarse to push into openings in plies. Backing up this zero-tongue trailer ha convinced me that as soon as I can, I shall get the tongue extended. Very short-ended car doesn't help, either, but they don't stretch cars so easily.

Backing Molly Kool down to water - a longer tongue is next on my list! Only hydropower station in province is there behind me. That is the sluice I must avoid; will do all departures on rising tide until I know I can get around intake suction on falling tide by sailing along opposite shore.

Pushing away from rocks so I can drift and look for leaks. Tether keeps me near shore, but I had to pole upwind to stay off rocks.
Looking for leaks; now checking where the one leak was last fall. (Didn't realise this was a video.)

Ashore, grinning with delight.

Neighbour Louise holding the tether line. Her partner Matt was photographer. Tether held by small C-clamp on top chine of air box. Proper fastenings later.... Carpet will go onto wood rails next time boat is off trailer, probably when giving painting bottom with final coat(s). You can see where I repaired the munged edge of the plywood with glue & flour paste. Tape between colours will be removed to paint boot top there.