Making Curved Cuddy Arches
By Helen Opie #904 "Molly Kool" (1es 1eo 1ea 31ar)Hi, Shorty;
So I have measured and marked a number of pieces to cut later. Measuring is a slow process; but being deliberate results in few mistakes. Quicker in the long run. "Measure twice, cut once." Measure and check measurement marks at a deliberate pace and the cutting goes easily - learnt this from making clothing when women did such things routinely. Those other bits laid across the hull are also ready to cut; two blocks for oarlock plates, braces for under cuddy edge of bow deck, for under forward edge of stern deck, and spacers to support decks covering airboxes. I still need to do one brace for leeboard axle on inside of airbox, and something to support a removable rowing thwart so I can sleep without being squished by it. Also braces for mast sleeve at top-of-airbox height and at cuddy roof. That may be able to be inside because it is so close to the front of the cuddy and my head isn't likely to go that far forward except when I am lying down.

1. Laying curve of roof arch with safety pins & thin strip of wood. Arched roof is to give me enough headroom to sit up inside cuddy. For shade while sketching and for privacy while using porta-potty.

2. Curve marked with pencil. Pencil dug into wood grain and I had to redraw it at that double line. Hope those knots won't interfere structurally!

3. Laying curve at other end. This board used to be a door casing; nice dry pine and where latch went into casing will be cut away. This knot will be cut away.

4. Laying out curve of underside of arch, using block of wood that "looked about right" for thickness. That block is for oarlock plates. Box holds farther end in place. Latch hole is also outside of the curve for the roof arch. Those other strips are pieces measured and marked for cutting all at once. While I am in the measuring-figuring mode, I'm doing all of that kind of thinking for a session of cutting tomorrow, when I am fresher. I'll cut this arch out and then use it to check the curve for the arch in the bow. This one, at the after end, will be arched underneath so it sets high enough to be less likely to be a head-scraper. The one at the bow is straight a.cross the bottom as the front of the cuddy attaches to it and there is no going underneath it; it is against the forward wall of the cuddy. Then I'll use this arch as a guide for the middle arch, although that one may be laminated, to give me practice laminating. It will also stabilise the mast as it comes up through the cuddy.
The mast will be off centre for better use of space in cuddy and because Capt. Molly Kool sailed a coastwise freighter that was a rectangular barge with the mast stepped to one side for easier loading and unloading of cargo such as logs & lumber. Molly Kool sailed a coastwise freighter from Alma NB (east of Saint John NB) up and down the Bay of Fundy Fundy coast and as far as Boston. My Molly Kool will only carry me and my stuff from the causeway here across from Annapolis Royal NS up the Annapolis River as far as Paradise, I hope! If not, then as far as Bridgetown. I'll row the last part if I have to, because sailing to Paradise sounds ever so much better; also sailing is being in paradise here and now.Those carpet strips are to pad the rails of my trailer.