Lake Arthur Regatta 2013
By John Bridges
Following a successful Puddle Duck Worlds in 2012, we are inviting Puddle Duckers to the regatta again in 2013. We'll try a fun, new format -- the PDR relay.
All Puddle Duckers are invited to think about forming teams of 3 boats to participate in Relay Races to be held on the 3rd/4th August 2013 at Moraine State Park. They will race around a small in shore triangular course carrying a "Noodle" from one boat to the next.
The first boat in each team will be at the start and carry their team's noodle to the next which will be waiting at the first mark and thence to the third member of the team waiting at the second mark. The noodles must be carried outside the limits of the triangular course. Elimination races will be held on the Saturday, and a race between finalist teams on Sunday.
The Muskrat Cove will again be available to campers and additional activities will be arranged during the preceeding days.

We revamped the website from 2012 worlds slightly, and are using a new pointer address:
There's a relay race for PDRs at the 2013 Regatta at Lake Arthur, here's the basic write-up:
Ken Sherwood