Building Demo At Home Depot
By Richard Frye, Capt. AH
Here are a few pics from the Puddle Duck building demo at Home Depot in Cranberry, PA on Saturday May the 6th. For me, it is on the way to the lake and I had told John Bridges that I would be there. David Carlock is a possible new ducker and drove over 60 miles to get there and helped take pictures.

John had things already set up a blocked off section of the parking lot when I got there and I was there fairly early too! The demo was good and John is doing a fantastic job promoting the Puddle Duck Racer as he always has!

The Home Depot was having a home fair in the parking lot that gave the impression of a carnival, and it was actually nice as far as the weather goes but we did get a sprinkle that quickly passed over. Had to cover the tool table with a tarp but the sun came back out. This demo, like the others he's done was to spur an interest in sailing and building your very own Puddle Duck Racer.

We had the boat 3-D with the mast standing in less than 2-1/2 hours! Friday I went to Johns house and we cut parts ahead of time so assembly was minimal. That saves a lot of time but still amazing at how fast the boat went 3-D. John did a lot of preparation at home before he loaded everything up. Now there is a PDR waiting on someone to paint and sail away into the sunset! She won't hang around long...Im sure.

Today I'm going to the lake today to help a family learn to sail their boat. I also helped them rig it and about 6 hours was spent with them over a couple of days getting their boat ready for the water. So today I'm taking my little VanDuck to play with while I'm waiting on them after I drop off one of my sailboats at the campground where we will have one of our travel trailer for the year. I need to play with the new sail rig I made.

We are taking the trailer up to Bear Run Campground on Friday if all goes well. People there are very nice, and the campground offers just about everything you can imagine and a great place for folks to stay that might want more comforts of home during the Worlds in August. Porters Cover landing is only .5 miles away on the SW corner of Lake Arthur that is a nice place to launch. As far as sailing goes, well...I'll report on that later because of the US Hwy 422 bridge that I need to check for height! It's higher on the north side so I will just sail over in something that floats and measure it myself! That's it for now...time to head out to the lake.
Quak quak! and fair winds....