Pictures From The 2012 Championshp 2
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

3736-PDRs at North Shore for picnic lunch

3746-Monkey Drying off after a swim at the North Shore

3755-Scott sailing circles around me

3770-Beached at Davis Hollow for the catered dinner

3771-More arrivals for dinner

3772-Round sail

3786-Pleasant Valley before it got busy!

6807-PDRsat the beach, Muskrat Cove


6839-PDRs at Pleasant Valley

6842-Mike #599 and Dave who sail 540 for Chrissie

6878-Me and Monkey in Wet Rooster

6883-#719....Winner of the event George

6887-Committe boat, 599 and 540

Sunset at Muskrat Cove