Build Demonstration at Home Depot
By John Bridges
We held a very successful Demo of how to build a Puddle Duck in the Home Depot Store at Butler today. It co incided with the monthly Kid's Clinic where families enjoy hammering nails and making,, today, , a Race Car. One family watching our Demo bought the hull and took it home with them and gave me a deposit for another Duck to be built at our April 15th Hatch (so that each of the kids will have their own boat. ( Dad is a race car driver and obviously the competittive spirit has been passed on)
Other families say they will want to build a Puddle Duck this spring. Many of them stayed to hammer nails and help with progress so that we finished a hull in record time

My Lavender Duck has been on display for 2 weeks to draw attention to the event and in some of the attached photos you will see it preening its Fancy Dress Feathers in preparation for the Fancy Dress Party to be held on Sunday August 5th. I felt that this would attract more attention than a conventional sail in the store, making people stop and read the displayed posters secured around the hull ( and big notices DO NOT CLIMB IN OR ON THIS EXHIBIT.)
Thanks for giving me and many others so much fun on and off the water.
John Bridges