Hatch Event - April 2, 2011 at Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania USA
By John Bridges
On 2nd April we organised a second Hatch of 6 PDRacers, this time at Moraine State Park.

We seem to have developed a successful formula for the building of 6 hulls in one day. Each would be builder provides a helper and since they are all new to boats and woodworking we add four people with prior experience.

Before the Hatch 4 people spend 4 hours cutting all the plywood and lumber to dimension.

On the day six sub assembly stations are set up for repetitive work, although people are encouraged to move around to see what the other grooups are doing. One completed PDRacer is on display to show the intended end result.. One sail is made to demonstrate the mehod and at the end of the day 6 hulls are carried home for finishing.

In June we will arrange a chalk talk on how to sail. Finish rigging any boats with problems and go out for a first sail with safety boat in attendance. Thus all should be ready for the 25 + boats expected for the Regatta on the 6/7 August. We now have 17 hulls built in this area.

The photos taken by Richard Frye shows the enthusiastic crowd who all said that they had fun in this joint effort