Cardboard Model of the Simple 18 PDRacer
By Tim Cleary
Parts are bottom, port and starboard sides, bow and stern transoms, bow and stern bulkheads with hatch holes cut out, bow and stern decks, rudder, lee board, and lengths of lumber for tiller, stringers, chine logs, and framing logs.

Chine logs are glued onto the curve, bow, and stern of the sides. The chine logs are glued and held by fasteners through the sides.

Deck framing logs are glued to the top (sheer) of sides. A lee board support stringer is glued 9" below the sheer. Deck framing is also put around bulkhead perimeters, with the corners notched to allow a fit around the chine logs.

Pencil marks to position the bulkheads are made. Glue is put on the bulkhead edges and fasteners through the sides attach them. The bottom sheet of plywood is used as a guide (not attached) to confirm that the hull is square.

The mast step and partner are on. The stern and bow transoms are put in. The bottom sheet continues to be used to ensure the hull is square.

The bottom sheet of 3/8" plywood is glued down and held with fasteners. The excess length is trimmed off

Here is an interior view of the attached bottom of the hull.

A fillet is laid down over all interior joints. A 2x4 rudder support is attached to the stern interior.

The stern and bow decks are glued and attached with fasteners. The hatch covers are installed.

Lee board handle and support brace are attached. Lee board is bolted through side and interior support stringer. A forward stop is attached to prevent forward swing up of board. A line is attached to handle to prevent backward swing up.

Tiller attached to rudder. Rudder attached to stern with 2 door hinges bolted through an exterior and an interior 2x4 support

The completed Puddle Duck.