Gabe PD Cruiser
By Gabe #785 "PD Cruiser" (9ar)
I've been holed up all winter here in NY and read your web site over and over for ideas and am itching to build in time for spring. Slowly, I'm collecting material and recently finished a model of what my Pdracer should look like. Though I don't have a 3d hull, I was hoping for some feedback on how this design might work in the real world. I will be a member in no time. This boat think has caused me a great loss of sleep- it's all I can think about lately and I want to get it right.

I basically repeated the lines of the hull template you provided on the site, throughout my model, I added 3 inches to the hull for a total of 21 inches at the top of the rail around the boat. I'll build the bench seats at 18 so i have lip to keep stuff from rolling into the water. The 36 inch cabin will give me just enough head room at the entry to sit up and read or such. Was thinking of having to use a lateen sail or balance lug, though I really like the look of the LOM- I'm going with a centerboard cause it fits between the berths nicely. I'll also be adding some fore and aft floatation just in case my hatch fails

Being a full fledge carpenter, the build seems pretty straight forward but I've never built anything that sits in water and am worried about sleeping in a puddle. Should I use a an elevated platform to keep my bag off the floor and how much water seepage can I expect, following all your h20 prevention tips?

I appreciate your time and any feedback you can give me.
Gabe #785
[NOTE: This topic is being discussed on Eric Comstock's fleet email discussion list]