Contact Shorty
Posting Articles To
Here is the link to post articles to [ post article ]
Contacting Other Duckers about their articles
If you read another ducker's article, how about sending them a note to say thanks and nice job. At the top of every article is a link to the ducker's profile page where you can get their email to send them a note directly.
Need Advice or Help Building Your PDRacer
Not only is the PDRacer the most awsome (and easiest to build) homebuilt boat on the planet, but we are a community. So don't be shy, go ahead and look through our member list and contact other duckers to talk them about building ducks. More info: contacting other puddle duckers
Register Your Hull
When your class legal hull is 3D (meaning the bottom is attached to the sides), see the hull registration page
Class Rules Question
If you don't understand a class rule, try reading the class rule explanations page to find the answer there. If you can't understand or find the answer, send me the question and I'll try to fix the explanations page so it will be able to address your issue.
Misc Question For Shorty
Misc other questions, comments etc, email me at: I tend to reply with a lot of links to pages here at, or if there is info missing from a page, I'll fix it and then reply with the link. The thing is I talk to a LOT of duckers and prospective new duckers, so I try to put as much info on the website as I can. Figure if I put the info up on the site, then duckers will have 24/7 access to the info and not need to wait for me to reply to them.